Top 10 Best Duke Nukem 3D Mods

While I was always a Doom & Hexen modder back in the day I always had a love for the build engine and Duke Nukem 3D in particular. Much like Doom and GZDoom, Duke 3D had a big modding scene and many cool mods and to this day still has an active modding scene using the EDuke32 version. The folks over at AltarOfGaming have put together a cool top 10 list of the best Duke Nukem 3D mods out there! The Duke Nukem Forever 2013 one in particular sounds cool as they based it off the old trailers everyone loved instead of the lousy game we ended up with.

GZDoom Blade of Agony and Shadows of Apocalypse Mods

Wow! I checked in on the latest action in the GZDoom modding scene omg the latest versions of Blade of Agony and Shadows of Apocalypse are just mind blowing. They’re so good they make my old Star Trek Doom Mod and Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mod look like childsplay haha! Blade of Agony in particular is a must have for fans of Doom and the new and old Wolfenstein games!

Blade of Agony:

Shadows of Apocalypse:

Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen in VR & Touchscreen!

OMG he’s done it again. Last time I posted about a guy playing my Star Trek Doom Mod in VR and hoped that he’d play my Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mod in VR too and he has!!! It’s super cool seeing him raise his hand shooting bolts out of it as if its his own lol. On top of that another fellow saw this video and decided to showcase QFG4-3D on his Doom video channel where he plays Doom mods on a touchscreen pad. Under normal circumstances my nasty monsters would slaughter anyone foolish enough to try and play the game with touch controls haha but he employs a number of clever programs and mods that add special moves like a Mortal Kombat style fast ground slide attack. It’s super fun to watch however not being QFG fans combined with trying to play fast means these guys miss a lot of the secret places sadly haha. Oh and like last time there’s a few glitches and they’ve both removed my QFG4 music sadly. I’ll post both videos below with my commentary! 🙂

VR Video

00:00 good to scene my cutscenes big and readable in this video, they were so tiny in his star trek video. ZDoom forum has a really good guide now on how to do strafe style cutscenes and npcs removing the need for my ‘virtual cinemas’ so when I come back to these projects one day I’ll overhaul all the cutscenes.

01:15 haha welcome to hell.. the ‘badders’ are a annoyingly fast with their swoops in the original QFG4 so I was thrilled when I found a super fast bees addon for hexen that I could modify into Badders. Having them swooping at your face in VR looks nasty haha.
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Star Trek Doom GZDoom Mod in VR!

OH MY GOD!!!! Someone has played my Star Trek Doom Mod in VR!!!!!!!! I knew it was possible but had never seen it. It’s so cool seeing him hold up his arm to fire the phaser like its real haha. Its a bit glitchy and he removed all my music for copyright reasons sadly but its a very cool vid! Hope he tries my Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mod in VR one day too!
EDIT: Now he has!!! Check out my new post about him playing QFG4-3D. 🙂

Blake’s video commentary:
bahahaha at 06:05 !!!!! I set that jump scare up deliberately as everyone will be distracted by the borg and not notice the species 8472 broodlings coming out of the jefferies tube. It makes you jump in 2D/regular non-VR 3D but in VR I can see from his reaction its even worse hahahaha. 🙂

06:10 Bit of shame the ducking doesn’t work properly in VR, you can’t stick your head through the ceiling in the regular version lol.

07:50 He just killed his allied friendly crew members who don’t attack you..oh well that’s what they get for wearing red hahaha.

08:40 More crew members slaughtered lol!!!

11:30 Welcome to the bridge! Picard thanks you for not murdering more of his crew there hehe. 😛

12:29 Congrats on finding the ‘secret’ area. I was looking forward to see how this would go in VR. For anyone watching the intro text (unreadable in this video) warns you that this engineering area is a test area that’s not finished hence the recycled tiled textures.

More Star Trek Doom and Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen reviews!

Red alert! Clearly it was a good idea to create those ModDB pages as another youtube reviewer playing my Star Trek Doom Mod for his Patreon page has been detected. This one is really good! His presentation and editing is excellent, his delivery/comments are funny and his criticisms are fair. There’s also hundreds of comments (some not so nice lol) that are a fascinating read.

Both Star Trek Doom Mod and my Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mods have been tributed at DSOGaming which is cool.

QFG4-3D has also been tributed at a Norwegian gaming site too!

And finally someone also appears to have put up a Star Trek Doom download and Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen download on the Gamepressure website too which is nice!

Star Trek Doom featured on PCGamesN in 2019!

Well it’s happened again! It was a real thrill a while back when my Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mod got featured on Rock Paper Shotgun and then in none other than PC Gamer Magazine US & UK but I was bit sad that Star Trek Doom was largely ignored as I expected that to be the bigger news. Well now in 2019 finally Star Trek Doom has been featured somewhere haha! A fellow named Richard Scott-Jones has done a really nice and very complimentary article on my mod over at PCGamesN and sure enough it’s led to new viewers visiting my mod pages and videos which is awesome! 🙂

Star Trek Doom & Quest for Glory IV 3D Projects UPDATED & FIXED!

Yes really haha! I’ve worked for a bit again on BOTH my Star Trek Doom Project (GZDoom Doom 2 mod) and my Quest for Glory IV 3D Project (GZDoom Hexen mod). Loyal fans will know that for some time now my mods have sadly been unplayable due to the discontinuation of ZDoom and the latest versions of GDZoom triggering horrible game ending bugs.

I tried and tried and tried and just couldn’t figure out what was going on and why the newer versions were rejecting my MAPINFOs. I even went to some of the big ZDoom community veterans behind some of the best mods out there for help and even they couldn’t see what was wrong. I gave up, told every fan to stick with an old version of ZDoom/GZDoom and just didn’t wanna touch the project again such was my frustration with what happened.

But then just for the hell of it I decided to take the risk of reporting my issue as a bug to the GZDoom. I was worried they’d tear me a new one for suggesting that their program was the program and not my cr*ppy scripting but thankfully they were good to me and saw the problem right away!! I followed their advice and sure enough everything started working again!! 🙂

So as a result I’ve re-released both mods and updated their documentation. If you’ve recently download my mod fear not, I’m just running late with announcing this and I actually updated my downloads a while back so your version ‘should’ be all good. But if in doubt, go and download again. 🙂

Pics, videos and updated downloads at:

Star Trek Doom Project Homepage
NEW Star Trek Doom Project ModDB Page

Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen Project Homepage
NEW Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen Project ModDB Page


People Playing My Star Trek Doom Level

Hi guys,

I’m sorry to say I still haven’t been able to solve the problems with my Star Trek Doom and Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen not working properly in the latest versions of GZDoom which has really killed my motivation to do more work on the projects. Hopefully sooner or later I’ll be able to get some expert help from the ZDoom people and then once everything is fixed I can work on them again. But until that time both projects are still on hold sorry! 😦

However some good news is I’ve found some really cool stuff on youtube. 2 People have played my Star Trek Doom levels and posted videos! It’s very exciting, humbling, weird and kinda frustrating watching other people playing my mods. I kept wanting to scream “noooo you missed a cool area!!!” lol.

This is a really great video although sadly he used the last ever version of ZDoom (not the recommended superior GZDoom) to play it and that last version contains a bug where allied ‘monsters’ will attack you on site. So all those ‘red shirt’ crew members that are meant to help you were instead attacking him! Judging by his video title he got a bit annoyed about that haha!

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Star Trek Doom & QFG4-3D Hexen NOT WORKING

Hi guys,

After receiving the frustrating news today that photobucket have disabled all offsite usage of their images stuffing up a huge amount of my website, blog and forum posts/links, I’ve now also discovered that due to recent updates to the GZDoom engine both my Star Trek Doom & QFG4-3D Hexen mods have stopped working. There are serious code errors I can’t fix and even if you’re able to get around these errors you still face a multitude of problems in-game. My music tracks aren’t playing, you get stupid Doom/Hexen score screens in-between levels, and my intermission and end game sequences are broken too. 😦

At this stage I have no idea how to fix these problems so I’m sorry to say both mods are currently unplayable unless you use older version of GZDoom such as GZDoom v1.8.2 which they were originally made and tested with. Sorry guys. 😦

I made it to PC Gamer Magazine!!!

Two months ago you saw me excitedly posting about discovering my silly little Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mod had made it to Rock Paper Shotgun, one of the largest gaming news websites out there! Since that post more than 2,000 people have visited my site (already half way to 24,000 visitors!) and almost as many have watched my videos. My Star Trek Doom mod has been going pretty well too but much to my surprise my QFG4-3D mod which was originally only ever planned as just a test run to get my skills good enough for Star Trek Doom has ended up becoming the bigger and more famous hit lol! Now I know why the visitors keep coming…

Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen has friggin made it to PC Gamer!! The largest PC gaming mag in the world!! And I didn’t just get some little mention.. oh no.. reviewer Tom Sykes went and bloody put my mod in their top 10 downloads of the month section at NUMBER ONE! It’s the only on in the top 10 filling more than half a page and with more than one picture. Some of the other top 10 mods are way better looking and more complex than mine so I’m just stunned!! All I can put it down to is good old nostalgia. People love QFG4 and they want to be taken back there in some way haha. Although he did put that my mod was a Heretic mod instead of Hexen mod but oh well all good haha.

I’m in both the PC Gamer UK February edition and the PC Gamer US March edition. I’ve been getting PC Gamer UK since 1994! Never did I ever think that something I created would ever appear on the pages of this mag.. something I’ve been collecting since I was a boy.. 🙂

PC Gamer UK & PC Gamer USA Scans