More Star Trek Doom and Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen reviews!

Red alert! Clearly it was a good idea to create those ModDB pages as another youtube reviewer playing my Star Trek Doom Mod for his Patreon page has been detected. This one is really good! His presentation and editing is excellent, his delivery/comments are funny and his criticisms are fair. There’s also hundreds of comments (some not so nice lol) that are a fascinating read.

Both Star Trek Doom Mod and my Quest for Glory IV 3D Hexen mods have been tributed at DSOGaming which is cool.

QFG4-3D has also been tributed at a Norwegian gaming site too!

And finally someone also appears to have put up a Star Trek Doom download and Quest For Glory IV 3D Hexen download on the Gamepressure website too which is nice!