Goodbye Morpheus my cat, I’ll miss you!

My beloved 16yr old cat Morpheus passed away last night and I am broken.. and truly alone now.

By the time i got to the vet he was in a bad way but I got to say goodbye before they put him to sleep. I hope he heard me and felt the strokes & pats.

This was my last video of him the night before I took him to the vet. One of our final ‘conversations’ as he loved his back pats and kiss noises and would meow appreciation. He was super friendly, loving and gentle for a cat, even cat haters liked him when they met him lol, as he could win anyone over.

He ‘supervised’ the rebirth of Blake’s Sanctum and the creation of this blog and every video on the youtube channel right back to the first. You can even see my next video series being made in the background of this video. It will be the last one to have the Morph ‘seal of approval’ lol.

Farewell my little buddy, you were everything to me, I’ll never forget you. 😭😭

Caster of Magic II Sequel (CoM2) Alpha Testing

Recently posted the great news about Implodes Master of Magic HD Multiplayer remake getting a new release (with functioning AIs) well recently there’s been more awesome Master of Magic related news that I forgot to post here (shame on me I know lol). Seravy has started semi-public alpha testing of his new Caster of Magic 2 sequel game! This is not another mod of MoM and is actually a rebuild from the ground up!

Seravy showed me a private screenshot of an older build earlier this year and have been super excited about this going public due to it being a total rebuild of the MoM engine allowing him to have far more control over things so he can do the sort of things he couldn’t with assembly hacks of the original MoM in CoM1 (eg fight more than 4 players). Sadly he has no interest in increasing the viewing resolution to modern ones (like Implode has done) though.. but if he releases the source code one day others could do that in a mod!

Here’s his thread about CoM2 if people are interested in playtesting and want more info (you have to msg him to get a copy as it’s not a true public free for all test):

And here’s a video he made for the announcement (You may need to fast forward the intro as I think he needs to buy a Microphone haha):

X-Wing Alliance HD 2020 Upgrade

Now this is super cool! I used to love playing X-Wing and Tie Fighter collectors editions back in the day. However sadly by the late 90s I’d stopped playing these kinds of games so I didn’t get to experience the joys of the 1998 Windows remakes, X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter, and the final X-Wing Alliance sequels. However I always planned to haha.

I recently noticed they’re all on steam and there’s some good fan patches out there for them so I guess I’ve got no excuse now lol. However the most impressive fan project I’ve found is this one! It massively converts the ancient late 90s X-Wing Alliance engine to support better textures, shaders and lighting effects and what a difference it makes. Just amazing!

The project is already released and is still being improved upon in 2020. Check out this recent video they did! Wowzer!!