More awesome retro ports & homebrew games (Starfox, Wonder Boy, TMNT, Castlevania, Sonic)

Found some more awesome indie and homebrew retro console games out there or in the making! Love seeing fans pushing these old consoles to their limits and making games and ports we could only dream of as kids.

Firstly GASEGA68k who I’ve posted about before due to his amazing SuperFX chip like games/demos on a regular SEGA Genesis/Megadrive (eg Wolfenstein, F-Zero, Mario Kart) has released new videos showing just how far his Starfox conversion has come along. Just amazing to think this is on a regular un-modded MD and he reckons he’s got some more tricks up his sleeve to gain back more FPS too!

Next comes a very cool looking Wonder Boy like game for the Nintendo Gameboy called Tales of Monsterland that is clearly WB3 inspired with its cool monster changes. They’ve even done a nice physical collectors boxset version!

Then comes some truly awesome projects going on at the moment for the SEGA Master System. Firstly a fellow named xfixium is working on a port of the brilliant Arcade version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! When you compare this to the official original NES port of the game the difference is remarkable!

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Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap Behind The Scenes Videos

You guys can probably tell from my previous posts and my WIP Wonder Boy Monster World series website tribute page that I’m a big fan of the old series and after several decades of nothing am loving it’s recent resurgence with new remakes, sequels and the new Anniversary WB Series Collectors Edition (which my copy of just arrived in the post so I’ll a stick a picture below!). One of the coolest remake projects was LizardCube’s remake of the very popular SEGA Master System game Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap in that they managed to completely mount the new game on the top of the old one using it’s original source code allow players to seamlessly switch between both. While its cartoonish style in frozen screenshots might turn off some, seeing it all in motion will quickly change most minds as the colours, detail and animation are just sublime! The animation in particular is very impressive as they’ve squeezed so many more frames into everything while ensuring they still move at the same total speed as the original sprites. The video game animation society have created an excellent video below really breaking down just how cool the work is, and the video game story time guys have also done a lovely video about the story of how Omar got the game made bringing this series back to life!

The Animation of LizardCube’s Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap:

The Story of LizardCube’s Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap:

Photo below of my Wonder Boy Series Anniversary Collectors Edition which can be purchased from Strictly Limited Games for Playstation & Switch here:

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Blake’s Sanctum 2022 End of Year Report, News & Thankyous!

Hey guys! 🙂 Well another year has gone by and once again it’s wasn’t a particularly great one for me health wise, but hey I’m still going (reasonably) strong and am looking forward to travelling again soon (on a fun holiday for a mates wedding where I’m on best man duties!) as it’s been a few years! So as usual this is the time of the year that I look back on the year, check out all the stats and report on how things have been going for Blake’s Sanctum and talk about what’s to come!

In last years round up I commented that Blake’s Sanctum website traffic had dropped from the usual 10,000+ a year visitors however it turned out that once again the old counter site I was using was not working properly and was being blocked by most browsers due to being classic http and not https SSL certified. Then the whole counter site died completely! So in actual fact I probably did have the usual amount of visitors in 2021 but just couldn’t see them due to these issues. So in 2022 I got another counter, then that died, then another counter that seems to only work sometimes, plus I had issues with people going to the old http version of my site and not getting redirected to the certified https version (which I’ve just fixed) and the counter only worked on one and not the other, so I’ve had no friggin luck with this lol. It’s currently sitting on 77,747 so it’s safe to say I DID actually hit the big 70,000 mark this time last year and I’m probably actually around the 80,000 mark now if not more! I should look into counters I can host myself as all the free ones out there hosted elsewhere are useless these days!

My wordpress blog here has suffered a legit drop in hits though as last year I was closing in on 45,000 continuing the blogs usual form of around 10k hits a year too however right now it’s on just over 51,000 hits so only just over 5k this year. I’ve been posting more news than previous years so reasons could be lack of work on my main website and some of my most popular posts (eg the 2017 Star Trek Birth of The Federation 2 projects post) becoming old and moving down the ranking in google searches. This years top post appears to be my Walking Dead Webisodes post where I try to keep track of where people can watch all these not so well known extra side stories from the WD universe.

All my blog news posts are copied over to my Patreon page too which would increase my news hit totals however Patreon don’t give seem to give total annual views stats so who knows how many visitors I’ve had there lol. However I’m very pleased that my first (& probably last lol) Patreon Jack is still with me after a year, thank you sir! I believe Jack originally decided to support me because of my lost Civilization 2 scenario preservation work which had some brilliant successes this year with donors giving me some huge collections to add to the repository resulting in literally thousands of lost fan creations and some truly awesome scenarios I’d been looking for being found and saved!

Once the Civ2 MGE preservation work was completed (at least until the next scenario collection donation comes) mid year, I then set about getting back to work on my huuuuge Civilization 2 tour video I’ve been working on for years (which the scenario preservation work all feeds into) and then also finally got back to working on finishing all my own Civ2 scenario mod projects. I’m pleased to say that as soon as I’m back from my holiday I’ll be able to start releasing all my Civ2 mods and videos meaning 2023 will finally be the year where I finish up most of my Civ2 work and can move on to Test of Time and do a bit of preservation work along with releasing a couple of scenarios I’ve made for that too. This is a big step in me moving on in the Civilization series and wrapping up all the videos and the big Civilization series section website work, finally freeing me up to play more other games and work on other new sections of the site as well as updating old sections (I keep word docs with all the new fan projects I find & the lists are getting massive!).

Speaking of me working on the website I just wanted to say I haven’t totally neglected it over the past few years lol! As previous posted I decided to start paying for a website host giving me the space I needed to solve all my image hosting issues. I then painstakingly fixed broken image links across the site replacing all the old dead Photobucket links with new locally hosted ones (although I’ve still gotta replace some of my newer Imgur ones but at least they still work for now so replacing them is not urgent). I also did a bit of work to update the old WIP Final Fantasy Series tribute page making it more accessible and ‘ready’ for adding game tributes to, I also then used it as a template to create 2 more preliminary WIP pages for the other 2 sections I’m planning to create on the site over the next few years, a Resident Evil Series tribute page and a Wonder Boy Monster World Series tribute page. A few times over the last couple of years I’ve wanted to get started on adding tributes but because the pages weren’t setup I deemed it too much work time I should be spending on continuing work on the Civilization section, so it feels to good to have finally laid the foundation for me easily adding tributes to them in the future. I’ve hinted at these new sections over the last few years but I guess you can consider this an official announcement that these new game series sections will be coming to Blake’s Sanctum haha!

And lastly once again because of nearly all my free time going into the Civilization work not much has happened over on the Blake’s Sanctum Youtube channel this year. In fact I think I’ve only released one video this year which is terrible lol, I’m going to start getting “are you dead?” comments on my channel again at this rate lol! I’ve actually filmed a whole bunch of videos from LAN parties and my own gaming sessions however because of all the Civ video work I keep delaying them. So I’ll work to remedy that and get some of these other gaming videos out there in Feb/March after my holiday. Then once I start releasing the big Civ2 videos the channel will really come to life again as I’ve got so much content in the pipeline (literally gigs of unreleased recordings I’ve got backed up on like 3 portable hard drives cause I’m scared of losing it all lol). Anyway despite my inactivity the channel finally hit the big 1000 subscribers earlier in the year and nearly 200 more wonderful people have subbed me since. Sadly because my total public watch hours time is still below 4,000 I still can’t re-monetize the channel which is annoying but hopefully once I push out all the content that’ll change things! However in the end it’s not the end of the world as I don’t create videos to make money, I create them to share my love of great gaming/modding content with fellow fans!

Well I think that’s enough rambling for this year. Thank you everyone who has supported my site over the years. Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and let’s knock down some retro gaming goals in 2023! 🙂

PS – Oh and I haven’t done a list of site changes since 2018 so here’s a new one below covering everything I’ve done since then…

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SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis Mini 2 Console & Visual Compendium Book Announced!

Well it’s all happening for SEGA Mega Drive/Genesis fans at the moment. We’ve got a new console and a new collectors book coming! After the very successful and highly regarded Mega Drive Mini console released a few years ago SEGA have now announced a sequel console that heavily features Mega CD/SEGA CD content! This is great news as the Mega CD addon to the Mega Drive was very underrated due to it flopping commercially thanks to it’s library and marketing excessively hyping FMV games that just didn’t deliver. Had they shown off more of the 3D/mode 7 like capabilities of the console (that were more powerful than Nintendo’s Super FX chip) and the games utilizing it (eg Sonic CD special stages, Batman Returns driving stages, Thunderhawk, Soul Star, F1 Beyond the Limit, Adventures of Batman & Robin etc) the console might have done better! There’s also some great RPGs and Metroidvanias on the console too, so I’m very happy to see the Wonder Boy like game Popful Mail in the list. It sounds like a western release will be happening too (2nd article below) so fingers crossed a lot of these great classics will make it onto the sequel mini console!

I posted a while back about the awesome SEGA Master System Visual Compendium book created by Bitmap books who made the excellent Nintendo, C64, & Amiga ones all of which I proudly have in my collection. Well for years I’d been hoping they’d make a SEGA Mega Drive book and they’ve finally announced one! Their books are of amazing quality so I can’t recommend them enough if you loved these consoles and their games. Looks like this one will not be a official collaboration with SEGA though as apparently they gave them a lot of trouble with the SMS book which is why my beloved Wonder Boy series didn’t make it into that book due to licensing issues. At least now they should be free to cover the later WB games in this new MD book!

Wonder Boy Asha in Monster World 4 Remake (The series is back again!)

Before I became huge PC gamer I was a Sega kid who in the early 1990s had a Sega Master System and then later a Sega MegaDrive/Genesis. I loved many Master System games (Alex Kidd, Asterix, Sonic, Star Wars & many of the Disney ones) however my absolute favourite was Wonder Boy in Monster Land. It may have been the first ever RPG I played and if not then certainly the first I ever owned. I used to hire the sequels from the local video stores and decades later would finally buy them and add them to my physical collection (although Monster World 4 was only released in Japan sadly). In the end a total of 4 Monster World RPG games were made (not including the original Wonder Boy or all the crazy spin offs haha). However it always made me sad that after the mid 90s this great series became abandoned, forgotten about and lost in a legal limbo (due to multiple rights holders disagreeing) for so long.

However a few years ago everything changed when Lizardcube & DotEmu teamed up to make the utterly awesome Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon’s Trap Remake and then Game Atelier & FDG Entertainment teamed up to make an actual friggin sequel to the series with the amazing Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. They worked with some of the original creators to ensure their new vision remained faithful and paved the way for yet another new game. As now G-Choice & ININ Games have teamed up to release the super cool Wonder Boy Asha in Monster World 4 Remake and it looks great! Check out the video below guys! Fingers crossed this will all finally lead to a remake of my beloved Wonder Boy in Monster Land one day too (although fans are filling the gap with some cool stuff in the meantime)!


Wonder Boy in Monster Land Remake/Expansion

Finally!! Someone is remaking and expanding my favourite Childhood game Wonder Boy 2 in Monster Land into a new fan game called Monster Land Meka! Being a fan game it still needs plenty of polish but am utterly blown away with it’s quality so far. I really love the backgrounds where you can see entire valleys of grass, flowers, forests, & rivers surrounded by mountains. Cool foreground decoration too, great effects, amazing music remasters of the original WB2 songs that I’ve hummed in my head for the last 30 years lol! Check out his cool preview videos below, man I hope he releases a demo soon!

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New Official Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Remake!

Big news today! We’ve got a new official Alex Kidd remake on the way!! I’ve posted in the past about how I grew up playing Alex Kidd in Miracle World and Wonder boy 2 in Monster Land and how I’m huge fan of any official and fan projects relating to them such as the two Alex Kidd Miracle World fan sequels that work on your Sega Master system. I hope to make big Alex Kidd and Wonder Boy tribute pages on my website Blake’s Sanctum one day as it’s great to see these old franchises receiving new love after decades of nothing!

For the last few years I’ve been following a Spanish fellow on twitter making a Alex Kidd remake fan project for years, he’s also doing a Wonder Boy fan game called Value Boy too. I looked at the trailer for this new Alex Kidd remake and thought “hmm this looks very familiar.. have they ripped him off??” only to discover that it IS his game lol! He must have presented his work to Sega and they loved it so much that they backed him instead of giving him a C&D! Well done Sega! I bet Nintendo wouldn’t have done that lol! However I suspect this great news will also mean the end of his Value Boy project though sadly!

Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 & 3 Sequels released!

I really want to create a Alex Kidd series tribute page (along with a Wonder Boy series page too!) at Blake’s Sanctum one day as they were the first games I owned on my Sega Master system in the early 1990s so I have a huge soft spot for them.

As a result over the last few years I’ve become particularly interested in new homebrew games for classic consoles and ones that relates to these great old series. This includes where people do complicated rom hacks to completely convert an original game into something different.

For example a few years back someone created a true sequel to Alex Kidd in Miracle World (as many didn’t like the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive sequel that was hard to play & ignored story elements of the original). This fan sequel rom hack was so popular that physical copies with manuals and posters started appearing around the net and I couldn’t resist collecting one. Playing it on a real master system is an absolute joy!

Well now I’m so excited as fans have once again created another sequel!! Alex Kidd in Miracle World 3 will be released very soon and looks absolutely amazing. Some of those level backgrounds really push the limits of the master system and the music sounds awesome! They’ve also pushed more even colours and details into Alex Kidd himself and the creatures around him.
2021 EDIT: I’m one of the lucky fans who was able to score one of the 25 limited edition physical copies released and I look forward to doing a video for you guys on it in the future! 🙂


New Wonder Boy games after all these years!

I should have posted this a while back however Monsterboy has just come out so I guess now is a great time too! Wonderboy 2 in Monster Land for the Sega Master System was the first RPG I ever owned and played. I loved that game so much and loved it’s 3(ish) sequels too, however sadly the series never made it out of the 90s and up until a few years ago seemed forgotten and lost in legal limbo (due to multiple rights holders disagreeing).

But a few years ago it all took off again when a small studio named Lizardcube managed to successfully work out a deal with all licence holders to create a full blown modern remake of Wonder Boy 3 Dragon’s Trap on PC and modern consoles including the ever popular Nintendo Switch! They did an amazing job and best of all you can effortlessly switch between modern and classic mode playing the game with the original Sega Master System graphics and sounds if you wish! Check out the trailer here:

But if that’s not enough another small studio named FDG Entertainment came along and got the lience to create a full blown new Wonder Boy game titled Monster Bot and the Cursed Kingdom with amazing graphics and animation along with gameplay styled similarly to Wonder Boy 3 again with multiple animal transformation characters to play as. They have also released on PC and consoles too! You can see it’s trailer here:

There’s also some great fan games and remakes from the last 20 years based on Wonder boy so I’ll probably do more blog posts and a big website tribute section down the track! 🙂
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