More Amazing Intellivision Homebrew Games (Mario, Megaman, Dragon Quest, Shadow of the Beast)

A few years ago I posted about my nostalgic love for my very first console in the 1980s, a second hand Intellivision with about 50 games, and also how now days all these decades later there’s been some truly amazing homebrew releases and ports of famous games from other consoles such as Defender of the Crown, Castlevania, Price of Persia, Final Fantasy, and Wonder Boy. You can check out that old post about them HERE !

I also mentioned in that post my excitement for the up and coming Intellivision Amico console however after waiting all these years things are not sounding too good and even if the console does somehow survive it sounds like it wouldn’t have run original classic Intellivision games anyway so a lot of the old fanbase has lost interest. However the good news is thankfully Elektronite (creators of many new and awesome Intellivision games) and fans have been busy working towards making their own new Intellivision console using FPGA tech. The equally awesome news and the main reason I’m making this new post is that sure enough the super talented creators I mentioned in my previous post, in particular a fellow named Skywaffle has been busy over the last few years creating even more amazing playable Intellivision demos and complete conversions of famous games we all know and love that you’d never expect to see on the old 70s console lol! I just had to show you guys these as the Mario one below is just unbelievable!!! Hope he does Sonic, Alex Kidd or Wonder Boy in Monster Land at some point too haha!

Super Mario Bros by Skywaffle

Shadow of the Beast by Skywaffle

Megaman 2 by Skywaffle

Dragon Quest by Skywaffle

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Awesome New Intellivision Indie / Homebrew Games In 2019 (Defender of the Crown, Castlevania, Price of Persia, Final Fantasy, Wonder Boy)

I miss my old Intellivision. I was originally sent this late 1970s console in the late 1980s by my absent father. By that time most people were rocking Commodore 64s, Nintendos and Sega Master Systems so the Intellivision was already looking pretty darn dated but we had no money so it was going to be a while before I could get one of those consoles so I fully embraced the gift I was given. The Intellivision came with the voice addon and a HUGE box of games. There must have easily been 50 of them! Favourites definitely included B-17 Bomber, Tron Deadly Discs, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, White Water, Dracula, River Run, Skiing, Baseball, and Truckin. I always tried to figure out Utopia but my copy was missing the manual which is such a shame as it could have been my first addictive strategy game experience. There were so many others in the collection I’ve forgotten or I just couldn’t figure out due to missing manuals like Sub Hunt and Ice Trek etc..

In the decades since I’ve seen there were some pretty awesome games sadly not in the collection I was given such as the awesome looking Tower of Doom RPG, Thunder Castle, Swords and Serpents, Pole Position, River Raid, Dreadnought Factor, Chip Shot Super Pro Golf (gorgeous graphics), Auto Racing, the Dungeons & Dragons sequels, and who know how many more I missed lol.

Recently the Intellivision company (which came back from the dead) dug out one of their old archived commercials. Watching it is like opening a time capsule!

The company has been very active lately since as most people know now there’s a new Intellivision console on the way now called the Amico which will contain many of the popular classic Intellivision games, along with modern remakes of some of them and hopefully some of the amazing indie games out there. As like with many retro gaming consoles these days there a healthy indie homebrew Intellivision gaming scene creating some AMAZING games that looked WAY better than any of the original games due to absolutely pushing the console to its limits. Some are conversions of popular 80s games on other rival consoles like the Atari, C64, and even the Amiga which have to be seen to be believed. Here are some of the ones have have blown me away!
EDIT: I’ve added project thread links for each of them where you’ll find downloads (not always in the first post) or store links.
EDIT2: A few years on there’s been some even more amazing ports like friggin Super Mario, Megaman & Shadow of the Beast! I cover them in a new post HERE !

Defender Of The Crown Intellivision Port by Elektronite
Full game:
Full game:

Intellivania – A Castlevania Intellivision Port by Skywaffle
Full game:

Prince Of Persia Intellivision Port by Skywaffle

Untitled Final Fantasy & Dragon Quest style JRPG by Skywaffle

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