Elder Scrolls Oblivion HD Remastered 2017

Regular followers of my website & blog will know that I’m a huge Elder Scrolls Series fan & enjoy posting amazing realistic super modded Skyrim videos from youtube user “Unreal”. Well who would have thought that someone could make the 11 year old game Oblivion look just as good but someone has! Youtube user “Bevilex” has added a huge list of mods to Oblivion making it looks absolutely incredible! A lot of it comes down to ENBs and there’s now a few great ones out there for Oblivion. I’m only a few months away from finally starting my big Oblivion journey (where I explore & do everything just like in my 5yr Morrowind game) so I’ll definitely be using some of these mods.

Check out these videos below, you won’t believe it’s Oblivion!!

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