SEGA MegaZone Preservation Archive – Update 2

Hi guys! 🙂 Time for another update as it’s been a while since the previous project update 1 and we’ve had some great new developments on the SEGA MegaZone Preservation Archive Project ! Unfortunately Colin is having some problems with his scanner so I still don’t have all the issues he offered however others have come forward and I’ve been able to score some big additions to the The MegaZone Archive !

Original Project Post (with tracking list of missing & found issues):

First I’ve gotta start with the best one. Big thanks to Minuous over at the English Amiga Boards for letting me know plus David & his friends over at DLH’s Commodore Archive for uploading the file and giving me permission to copy, because I HAVE OBTAINED ISSUE 1! Yes really, the first issue from the late 1980s that started it all! And sure enough as suspected issue 1 was called MegaCom without the P on the end (before it was changed to MegaComp and then MegaZone).

I’ve also been contacted by Mick Elliot who had the super rare Issue 4 of MegaComp (the final issue before the name change to MegaZone) and kindly offered to scan it for me. This means we now have every issue before the name change to MegaZone except Issue 3. Fingers crossed we score that one one day too!

Then I got lucky on ebay when I saw someone was selling a massive collection of MegaZones and I noticed 2 of them I didn’t have in my physical collection, Issue 8 (EDIT: original wrote this as Issue 9 but it’s actually 8) and Issue 22. So I contacted the seller and negotiated them taking those 2 out and selling separately to me! Issue 22 is already in the online archive however Issue 8 is not! So I’ve scanned it in high quality and added it to the collection! Love that Arnie Total Recall cover!

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