Top 10 Best Duke Nukem 3D Mods

While I was always a Doom & Hexen modder back in the day I always had a love for the build engine and Duke Nukem 3D in particular. Much like Doom and GZDoom, Duke 3D had a big modding scene and many cool mods and to this day still has an active modding scene using the EDuke32 version. The folks over at AltarOfGaming have put together a cool top 10 list of the best Duke Nukem 3D mods out there! The Duke Nukem Forever 2013 one in particular sounds cool as they based it off the old trailers everyone loved instead of the lousy game we ended up with.

3D Realms Announce WRATH: Aeon of Ruin

Wow!! Now that 3D Realms are finishing up on their awesome retro Build Engine game Iron Maiden they’ve now announced something even crazier!! They’re now making a new game called WRATH: Aeon of Ruin in their old 90s rival’s engine, the Quake 1 engine!!! If we jumped in a time machine, went back to 1996ish and told the 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D devs that they’d be making a game in their rival’s (ID Software) Quake 1 engine 22 years later they’d look at us like we’re mad haha!

WRATH: Aeon of Ruin looks very cool and filled with lots of oldschool goodness. Like with Iron Maiden it looks like they’ve updated the engine to better user modern hardware allowing them to push the 90s engine to far greater limits than the old days. Saw some dudes on youtube commenting about how they’re going to run the game on their original Voodoo cards. Ha! They’d probably explode haha!

Next thing you know 3D Realms will make a new game in the Doom engine haha!!

Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack

Found this the other day and was pretty blown away as I loved playing Duke3D as a kid and love Build engine games. These fans have completely overhauled Duke 3D’s graphics and the game looks beautiful!! The mod uses the popular EDuke32 engine which is basically a GLQuake/GZDoom style 3D remake of Duke 3D but adds HD textures to everything.




Ion Maiden – A New 3D Realms Build Engine Game in 2018

While I’ve always been a Doom engine editor my actual biggest soft spot has always been for the 3D Realms Build engine. I loved every game on it (especially Duke Nukem 3D, Blood & Red Neck Rampage) and it just looked so good for its time (part of me wishes I’d learned the editor and created STDoom in that instead but it’s a bit late for that now haha).

So I’m thrilled with this news! 3D Realms (also known as Apogee who gave us classic series like Wolfenstein 3D, Commander Keen, Rise of the Triad & Terminal Velocity) have brought the Build engine back from the dead, updated it, improved it and worked with an indie studio to create a whole new friggin game!!!!


Quest for Glory, Space Quest, Broken Sword, Pitfall, Total Annihilation, Rise of the Triad & Blood 3D revivals (BACKDATED NEWS – 25/08/2012)

BACKDATED NEWS – 25/08/2012

Wow.. a lot has happened in the last month. Firstly Quest For Glory’s Core & Lori Cole have signed up over at QFMG & announced their new Kickstarter project ‘The School For Heroes’! A game that merges their online School for Heroes with proper Quest For Glory style gameplay. The Kickstarter will begin around October.
Even better they have also done a podcast with Space Venture’s Chris Pope talking for an hour all about their time at Sierra & making of all 5 QFG games! Click on this link to play the video & this link to play the audio simultaneously.

We really are entering a whole new age of exciting indie games & classic games returning. People are sick of the big publishers & are talking through their wallets. In the past few weeks we’ve had a Broken Sword sequel, Planetary Annihilation from the Total Annihilation makers (WOW!), a jungle game from the Pitfall creator, a Rise of the Triad remake, & a Blood 3D online remake announced all from their original creators coming out of the woodwork. Brilliant, just brilliant! 🙂