Relics of the Oracle (Beautiful Retro Indie First Person Adventure Game)

I’ve been following the development of this game on the developers Twitter for a while now and he’s just announced a steam page I can finally wishlist! Relics of the Oracle is a retro First Person Adventure game with stunning pixel artwork and lighting effects. It kind of reminds me of Hexen and my Quest for Glory 4 3D mod I made for it, but is less FPS and more adventure so it kind of reminds me of Might & Magic 6-8 too, although the developer mentions the classic adventure game Zork as a major inspiration. I’m a sucker for retro pixel art games with freaky animation and lighting effects so I’m just drooling over his screenshots and twitter videos…



Twitter Videos:

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DYNAMO DREAMS (Indie Scifi youtube series made in Blender)

Ran across this rather cool project on youtube a few days ago.. this super talented fellow named Ian Hubert is working on a scifi series with epic dystopian Cyberpunk like cities and spaceships creating everything (other than the greenscreen actors) in Blender.

The Teaser
It all started with this super impressive Cyberpunkish teaser fan film where there doesn’t seem to be any cuts.. very nice!

As soon as I saw the above I wanted to see the greenscreen version as presumably the lift is fake she’s just walking around a small area with some cleverly positioned light sources and sure enough I found they’ve done a nice behind the scenes video showing how they did just that!

The Main Series
Episode 01:
All the cool stuff above was just a teaser for a bigger series this guy is doing.. the first episode is more of that girl in the cyberpunk city and it just looks amazing.. crazy to think he did all this in blender.

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Sid Meier’s Civilization 7 has been announced!

Here I am still making mods 25yrs too late for Civilization 2 and working on my playing retro Civilization games in HD website tribute page and youtube video series and along comes the announcement of Sid Meier’s Civilization VII lol! I heard rumours of a possible big Civ7 announcement later today at the SummerGameFest but 2K accidentally pulled the trigger early lol! They took their post down after a few minutes but naturally Civ fans saw it and the news is spreading fast around the internet so I guess I’ll share the good news too! CivFanatics have got a thread going where people can discuss the accidental early announcement and speculate all the fun details about Civ7! Yes this is a real! 🙂

EDIT: We’ve got a steam page and trailer now!
Steam Page:


Songs of Conquest Released! (Heroes of Might & Magic like game)

Been a while since I last posted about the impressive Heroes of Might & Magic like game Songs of Conquest. Well now I’m pleased to say the game is finally out of early access and officially released! After all these years of early access and development work with a passionate fan base (starved of HoMM games) it’s looking just gorgeous and is oozing with well polished content! Also Interesting to see that the Art Book has a forward from HoMM3 designer Gregory Fulton, wonder if it’s because he really likes what they did or if they did a deal where he promotes his HoMM3 like game Fanstratics in there, or both lol! Either way this is a game fellow HoMM fans should not miss! 🙂


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