Pax Nova (Civ, SMAC, MoO, BE, GalCiv like hybrid game)

I recently stumbled across a ‘Civ like’ scifi 4X game called Pax Nova that appears to somehow merge Sid Meier’s Civilization, Alpha Centauri, and Master of Orion (or maybe even moreso Beyond Earth & Galactic Civilizations) all into one crazy hybrid supersized game with nice looking graphics which all seems too good to be true! And sure enough the reviews are pretty mixed as some love it but apparently the game is pretty buggy, the micromanagement gets full on, and the sole developer doesn’t have the best track record in finishing his games. He did do some DLCs with new planets and races which I’m hearing improve the game quite a bit so I’m thinking I’ll have to give it a try.

Steam Page:

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