Theocracy (Civ 1 & 2 like retro 4X indie game with some MoM & Col influences too)

Recently found out about a retro ‘Civ like’ 4X indie game recently released called Theocracy which the author Marcel Strbak describes as his personal homage to Sid Meier’s Civilization 1 & 2. Much like with Civ you start in ancient times and work your way into the modern era with tanks & infantry etc however interestingly he has also added mythology & magic into the game with “miracle” spell casting & monster summoning which Master of Magic fans will likely find interesting too. It appears you can play as a number of native American cultures exploring the new world and competing for control of the Americas or as Europeans racing across to get there as well which Sid Meier’s Colonization fans may like too. The game supports easily accessible and very Civ2 like rules & graphic files making it good for modding and Marcel plans to add scenario creation tools and possibly unit animation (presumably Civ3 & Civ2 Test of Time like) in the future too. The game is currently part of the Steam strategy sale until Monday (not currently on GoG though).

Steam page (not currently on GoG):

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