X4 Kingdom End Announced

YES!!!! They finally did it! Egosoft are creating another addon pack for their brilliant Freelancer like game X4 and this time they are bringing back the water based Borons! I’ve been asking for this for years and years! Every time people would say it’s impossible I’d pitch my ‘stations with separate water areas and Boron encounter suits for the normal dry areas’ idea and how it could work in the X4 engine. So to now see that Egosoft have actually done that and made it a reality makes me so happy, as this is pretty much what I pictured in my mind years ago. And I loved the extra touch of redoing the good old Kingdom End music in the trailer too. Well done Egosoft!

Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1990040/X4_Kingdom_End/

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