Quest for Glory 5 VGA Demake Project

This is amazing, I remember the old future project vote thread at AGD Interactive (creators of the Quest for Glory 2 and Kings Quest 1-3 fan remakes) where they asked what people wanted their next project to be. Two rather exciting options for Quest for Glory Series fans like me were a QFG3 Remake adding more content and repaired scoring and a QFG5 Demake that would take what many fans consider the ‘ugly duckling’ in the series (although I quite liked it) and converted it in the classic early 90s point & click VGA style of the previous games in the series. Naturally I voted for both options and they’ve been on my mind for over a decade ever since. They never happened so I’m super excited to discover that now in 2024 a new group of fans have announced that they are making the Quest for Glory 5 Demake project a reality and posted some really cool screenshots and videos showing off their early work. I can’t believe someone is finally making this a reality! It looks great!!!!

They don’t have a project page yet but here’s some of their recent Reddit posts!

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