SIERRA – The Adventure Game Years (Retro Gamer Article)

I’m so glad I subscribed to Retro Gamer Magazine last year. Some of the behind the scenes articles they’ve done on some of my favourite games growing up have been brilliant!

I had to post this one as they’ve done a brilliant 6 page article in Issue 173 on what it was like to work at Sierra in its heyday. Lori & Corey Cole, Christy Marx, Jane Jensen and Al Lowe have all contributed to this brilliant piece. Quest For Glory fans like myself will get a lot of out of this in particular as Lori & Corey do most of the talking and there’s some great behind the scenes QFG content (eg sketches of monsters and locations).

Unfortunately all the yellow writing didn’t scan very well but I did my best (via photoshop effects) to make it more readable. Hope you guys can see all the awesomeness!

(Right Click – Open Image to see in full screen)

4 comments on “SIERRA – The Adventure Game Years (Retro Gamer Article)

  1. Pingback: Retro Gamer Interview with Ken Williams on Pioneering Sierra Entertainment | Blake's Sanctum - News

  2. Thank you so much for posting this.

    I am the writer of the article and I came across this website while looking for a PDF version of the story.

    I had a huge amount of fun interviewing the Sierra alumni and I hope readers enjoy it.

    I was a fan of Sierra from a young age and it was a huge honour to pen the article – there are lots of interesting nuggets to enjoy.

    If I’m not mistaken, it was published in issue 173, sometime in 2018.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hah! I was surprised to see a comment on such an old post and half expected a bot! So to see it’s the original author thanking me is a lovely surprise! It was lovely article and a good read! If you ever end up penning an article on Sierra fan games and Quest for Glory ones in particular then my retro website has a big tribute list of them and I’m creator of Quest for Glory 4 3D Hexen GZdoom mod that got covered by some mainstream gaming media back in 17 too. 🙂


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